Veterinary Surgery Services at Mountain Empire Small Animal Hospital


We carefully screen your pet prior to surgery and will give your pet a comprehensive physical exam prior to surgery. We may also recommend a pre-anesthetic panel to test kidney, liver & heart functions be completed prior to surgery.

We Perform All Types Of Surgery, Including:

  • Spay and neuter surgery
  • Oral/periodontal surgery
  • Abdominal Surgery
  • Tumor Removal
  • Lacerations and abscesses
  • Ear/eye surgery
  • Orthopedic Surgery

Laser Surgery

We perform laser surgery when possible. Laser surgery minimizes bleeding, reduces pain and swelling and promotes more rapid healing. When your pet undergoes laser surgery, he or she will recover more quickly and face less post-operative pain. Laser surgery also is more precise and greatly reduces the risk of infection.

Spaying And Neutering

Due to the high pet population and health risks we recommend male and female dogs and cats be spayed or neutered at 6 months of age.

Pain Management And Monitoring

Your dog and cat will receive pre-op and post-op pain control to keep your pet comfortable and aid in his or her healing process. We will carefully monitor your pet during and after surgery using advanced monitoring equipment.

Safe Anesthesia

We use modern, up-to-date anesthetic monitoring equipment to closely monitor your pet during anesthesia and the surgical procedure.

Hospital Hours

Monday – Friday:  7:30am  – 5:30pm

Saturday: 8am – 12pm

Sunday: Closed

(Closed daily for lunch 12:30pm – 1:30pm)